Planners and clients have finally started focusing on sustainable construction. More and more projects are insisting on resource-efficient building materials, playing their part in making the lightweight metal construction industry much more eco-friendly. As a producer of construction elements, Fischer Profil is contributing towards a greener future with its innovative FischerTHERM ICO2N® product.
A project started recently demonstrates the positive impact of façade elements that are made with green steel. Fischer Profil GmbH is well aware of its responsibility to the environment and uses only sustainable, resource-efficient materials in the manufacture of its roof and façade elements. This has led to the creation of FischerTHERM ICO2N® sandwich elements made from CO2-reduced steel.
The “green steel” used is a certified, low-carbon solution that allows the CO2 intensity in the manufacturing process to be reduced by up to 90%. These innovative sandwich elements aren’t just attractive because of the low carbon steel that is used, though – the eco-friendly construction elements also improve the energy efficiency of a building many times over.
The innovative Fischer DUO seal ensures optimum joint tightness, while installation of the EPDM “Energy Saver” has been shown to reduce the energy consumption of the building by 10%. This energy and cost-efficient benefit also persuaded a major German corporate group to clad the façade of its new branch in Halle an der Saale with Fischer Profil’s green sandwich elements.
Won over by the sustainable solution, allied to the creative freedom allowed by the individually adjustable construction elements, those in charge of the building project consider themselves lucky to have found a partner in Fischer Profil GmbH, which is based in Netphen-Deuz, that makes an important contribution towards a cleaner and healthier future through its eco-conscious policies.
While the issue of sustainability has in the past played a rather subordinate role for the construction industry, the signs are pointing to change, with more and more companies recognising the need to act. Fischer Profil would like to not only support this trend, but also actively shape it.
“The new product range enables us to establish ourselves successfully as an innovative and sustainable partner to the lightweight metal construction industry as it heads into a more eco-friendly and energy-efficient future,” said Managing Director Gordon Brede.
With a long tradition stretching back to its foundation in 1938, the Netphenbased Fischer Profil GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of sustainable products and system solutions for roofs and façades. The European market leader in the building envelope sector has been a part of the Tata Steel group since 2007. With modern production systems and a workforce of 187, it sets new standards in the sustainable, energy-efficient and economic delivery of construction projects.